Assalamu alaikum and a very warm welcome to the
Soulpreneur Starter Package
It's time to start the business you've been dreaming of, unleash your creativity and attract your dream clients a soulful way.
Wishing you could escape?
Wishing you could align with your true purpose defined by ALLAH?
Wishing you could attract those dream clients you want to help?
Are you ready to embark on a soul journey that will build your business and strengthen your connection with ALLAH?
Are you ready to stop hiding, really unleash your creativity, and make a difference?

Now is the time to live from your soul & fulfill the purpose that ALLAH created you for.
Make a difference. Live your dreams. Start your #SoulpreneurLife.

Imagine if you could:
The Unleash your Soulpreneur Potential Course is designed to take you from being a Muslimah trapped in 9-5 not knowing where to begin, to having a clear actionable plan to start your creative soulpreneur journey and attracting the ideal clients that are dying to work with you!

Just a year ago I was feeling trapped in my job, angry, frustrated and fed up, feeling like I was wasting precious time and skills and not really fulfilling the purpose that ALLAH created me for and feeling resentful towards my family for getting me stuck in this 'respectful' job as a doctor where I felt like a bird with strong angel type wings trapped in a cage. To make matters worse, my marriage ended in a divorce and I spiraled into grief and depression. That was when I was at my lowest and felt completely alone, lost, and full of anger towards the world.
With ALLAH's help and the aid of good friends and coaches I slowly started my healing journey and one day...
I decided it was time to stop feeling angry and instead own my life and live from the soul.
I knew I wanted to start a business so I could have the freedom my heart desired and feel fulfilled but the problem was I didn't know how?
I desperately tried to find a successful soul-fulfilling way out of the 9-5 cage & purchased 100s of online business courses without any success. I tried the 'popular' Amazon business and several 'business' coaches. I spent £20,000 overall without any results. Of course, I didn't tell my parents, they already thought I was crazy and stupid for wanting to leave my job.
Eventually, I realised what I was doing wrong. I was randomly copying everyone else's method of making money and not focusing on ALLAH and what would fulfill my soul, my passion and make the best use of my talents. I was choosing coaches that did not match who I was and my values as a Muslimah.
Everything changed the day I realised that if I connect with ALLAH anything is possible.
The day I told myself I was going to use the talents ALLAH had given me to shine, not hide.
The day I started believing in myself and my dream.
The day I made dua and found the right coach who helped me uncover my unique way of making a difference and making money at the same time.
The day I made a firm decision to not walk but fly towards my dream.
The day I booked umrah and 3 amazing holidays all in one year.
The day I unleashed my creativity and started showing the world the real me.
The day that was the start of me booking paid clients and launching group programs successfully.
Today I can say that I am grateful for that journey, all the 'wrong' coaches, all the time and money spent, all the pain and frustration of feeling trapped and confused because now I have the knowledge, personal experience, emotional resilience, and skills to help you on your journey to make a difference and become the soulpreneur ALLAH wants you to be.

Don't just fly but soar like the free soul you are inside.

Right now you have done all you can...
You've spent money on so many courses, looked at so many freebies, listened to podcasts and webinars and watched too many youtube videos to care to mention them one by one. Your inbox is full of other people's business e-mails but you're still not getting anywhere.
Listen sis...
You can't do this on your own. I tried and it cost me £20,000 and another 4 years of the 9-5 cage.
And I really do care about you and I don't want you to keep banging your head against a brick wall like me. I want to give you 3 easy steps to follow as you start your soulpreneur journey:
Step 1
Strengthen your connection with ALLAH. Build your spiritual wealth mindset.

Step 2
Get clear on your dreams and outline your unique money purpose.

Step 3
Identify your ideal clients & make a strategic plan for your life and business.

Accelerate your soulpreneur journey towards your dream life and business on your way to entering jannah.
'Believe me. I wish I could have had this kind of spiritual and business support when I started my entrepreneurial journey.'
I went from one course to the next, from one webinar to the next, wasted £20,000 on the wrong coaches, wrong business plans and stayed stuck in the 9-5 cage for longer than I had ever planned.
Never mind all the stress and frustration it all caused. I was sweating away at all hours of the day, early morning before work and late at night after work and still feeling lost and confused at the end of it all.
I hear you saying...'So, what exactly is ON OFFER?'
With your Unleash Your Soulpreneur Potential Package, you will get...

Session 1
Connection with ALLAH, Muslimah's Spiritual Mindset, Energy and Emotions Management
- How to strengthen your soul's connection with ALLAH and recognise HIS call for you to live your purpose and go to the next level in your business
- Explore the negative beliefs that are blocking you from having success and how to remove these beleifs
- How to become a master of your thoughts and get through those times when your emotions stop you from moving forward
- I will share with you my unique spiritual mindset routine that brings me closer to ALLAH and helps me think in a way that attracts rizq and clients.
Clarity on your dreams, money purpose and how to use this to build your business
- Connect with your innermost desires and find unique and creative ways of making your dream come true and connecting with your true self.
- Get clear on your money purpose so you don't feel guilty about asking people to buy from you and end up being a helpful friend instead
- Identify the approach you need to build your business around your freedom work-from-home lifestyle
- Avoid making the one mistake that all starting entrepreneurs make when building their business which drains their energy and leaves them feeling unmotivated
Session 2

Session 3
Getting super clear on who your ideal clients are? Outline the strategic steps to rocket launch your business.
- Identifying the unique gifts that ALLAH has given you to attract specific people that will gain benefit from you
- What message should you be transmitting that brings the right clients who don't care about how much they to pay to work with you
- Remember if you talk to everyone you talk to no one but if you talk to one person who is the right person then you talk to everyone
- Remove all confusion and overwhelm and have a clear strategic plan to follow to rocket launch your online business
And there is still MORE!
Take the leap of faith and start flying towards your dreams!
It's time to fulfill the purpose ALLAH created you for.
Only 3 spots are available.
Hurry before the time runs out!
₤297 for 3 Soulpreneur Coaching Sessions Plus One BONUS session for FREE (if you book before 01/12/17)
Either you...
Feel inspired and get the nurturing support you need to start your soulpreneur life.